Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Round and round

Good day or night to you dear reader,

my name is Lily Apple,... well not really, I just prefer to stay anonymous. I chose Lily because it's my favourite name! It just sounds so delicate, pretty and soft, unlike me. I am not delicate, which brings us to ''Apple''.  I am a curvaceous, 5'5'' Redhead,  if you actually thought I was this big, red faced freak, well you are wrong. Anyway, I thought apple suited me well. I am sweet, round and ''red''!

I decided to write this blog after having read a book called ''Miss Invisible''. I loved how honest it is, and for once the main character is not this whiny, I-am-so-fat-I-can't-fit-into-a-size-4-jeans-because-I-am-a-huge-size-8-girl. Ok first off, a size 8 is SMALL ok people? Even a size 14 is not that big. Women are supposed to have curves, hips, boobs, tummy. I am not Pro-Fat, I am Pro-Health and Happiness! Anyway back to the book! The main flaw of the book is its main character; Freddie(short for Fredericka), a chubby woman in her thirties. All through the book, she whines about how obesity is considered a disease among ''normal people''. She nevers eat in public out of fear people might judge her and say: ''Well no wonder she's fat, look what she eats!''. Being overweight myself, I know how that feels. But we have to draw the line at some point, yes people will judge you, no matter how big, skinny, old, young, blonde, brunette, redhead, so why not enjoy a good old Big Mac outside once in a while?

As a teenager I thought I had to be skinny to be popular, but one day I decided that's it!! I won't be skinny in a day so I'm gonna enjoy my curves and be proud of them! Confidence is key, believe me! Skinny blonde girls had nothing on me, I could make the boys drool just as much as them!

Today, I'm a 20 year-old student, I have a boyfriend who's as sweet as vanilla and as hot as spice. I've put on a few pounds since my teenage years, but I still love my curves! 

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